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Re: San Francisco Editorial
> A letter to the editor is like spitting into the wind in this case. I
> think what's needed is a more constructive affirmative action, ideally
> taking Cantor and Siegel to court somewhere.
Perhaps it's my libertarian outlook, perhaps not, but I tend to abhor
using the US government's ``legal'' system for almost any reason.
The worst thing about doing this (suing them), IMHO, is that if you
lost you would create a precedent for all the people who aren't doing it
because they might consider it illegal or immoral -- far too many people
consider things that the court okays to be morally okay.
Instead, I think it's a great stimulus for better software - there's
no reason to sue them when it'd be a better thing for the community if
newsreaders and mailreaders were enhanced to deal with spams.
( --------[ Jonathan D. Cooper ]--------[ [email protected] ]-------- )
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