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[ DH Code ]
> Are there implemented DH codes running around anywhere?
DH code is easy - using PGP and perl you can build a simple one in a
matter of hours.
But: where's the market? The only people I've ever known to need a
'data haven' were a group of people who'd obtained the source code to a
major commercial operating system and used a freenet account and ftp to
transfer it. (40 mB+, I gather).
I can see building one - it doesn't seem at all difficult. But I
don't see how I could be reimbursed for the disk space and bandwidth.
( --------[ Jonathan D. Cooper ]--------[ [email protected] ]-------- )
( PGP 2.6.2 keyprint: 31 50 8F 82 B9 79 ED C4 5B 12 A0 35 E0 9B C0 01 )
( home page: http://taz.hyperreal.com/~entropy/ ]---[ Key-ID: 4082CCB5 )