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AA BBS report

I have been keeping the net up on the AA BBS case since it started
last year.  Latest news (1/21/95) is that bail during appeal was
denied by the Sixth Circuit, and that Robert is to report to federal 
prison Feb. 8, in Springfield, MO to serve 3 years, one month.  I have 
no doubt that picking a place that far from his home and family was 
done on purpose as part of the punishment.  

Question for Mike Godwin:

Who pays transport from Springfield back to Utah so Robert can be 
present for the bogus kiddy porn trial in a few months?  Also being in 
prison will make it nearly impossible for him to prepare the .gif 
files his lawyer wants to present in his defense. 
They set the date (July 12) and place (Dublin, CA) for Carleen 
(Robert's wife).  She is to serve 2 years, 2 months.  I think the 
reason they are letting her start later is so she can be present when 
their oldest son graduates from high school.

AA BBS is still up, and may well stay up for the whole time Robert is 
in prison.  He has no other way to support his family or pay for legal 
defense.  Also, outside of western TN, OK, Utah, and other backwards 
places, what he is selling is legal--even protected under the First 
Amendment.  (Though some of it *is* kinda gross :-) ) 

AA BBS is up to about 25,000 files.  There is a good chance that they 
will be available through the internet at some point.

Trying to control information in the network age is about as sucessful 
as pissing into the wind.  

Keith Henson