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New World Encryption

An item in 11 09 95 Edupage summarizes a NY Times new- 
sstory revealing Clinton's wish to spy on the world: 
A coalition of 37 major U.S. technology companies has re- 
jected the Clinton Administration's proposed standard for 
data encryption, saying that they found Administration of- 
ficials unwilling to compromise. 
The government wants an encryption plan that will allow it 
to gather intelligence overseas, through the use of a key 
escrow encryption system. 
The high-tech companies want an encryption standard that 
would ensure privacy for both domestic and overseas users. 
                         ^^^^              ^^^^^^^^ 
(New York Times 8 Nov 95 C3) 
Their opposition to the Administration's plan has been joined 
by 12 conservative organizations who call it anti-consumer, 
anti-marketplace, and anti-progress.  (New York Times9 Nov 
95 C3) 
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