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Re: EXON [Noise]

> > (There is some controversy in molecular biology circles as to whether 
> > "junk DNA" is really "junk" just because it doesn't build proteins. It 
> > could perform a regulatory or "frame-check" function.)
> Actually, I think that once the matter is further studied, scientists 
> will discover that the "junk DNA" is not junk, but inactive DNA, 
> waiting for a "trigger".

Sorta like that episode of Star Trek where all this DNA gets combined 
into a 3-D Quicktime movie?

Ben Samman..............................................samman@cs.yale.edu
"If what Proust says is true, that happiness is the absence of fever, then
I will never know happiness. For I am possessed by a fever for knowledge,
experience, and creation."                                      -Anais Nin
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