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Re: e-Cash: CAFE vs. Mondex
At 9:46 Uhr 13.12.1995, Adam Shostack wrote:
>Matthias Schunter wrote:
>| The CAFE system is a cheque based system. This means that the
>| customer receives an electronic chequebook, where each cheque is
>| (blindly) signed by the bank.
>| During each payment the customer has to use one of these signed cheques.
>| privacy-protecting
>| The privacy of the user is protected.
> How do checks protect the privacy of the user? The bank
>knows who is spending how much with whom for each check.
No. The cheques are certified blindly.
I.e., the bank does not see them during signing/withdrawal and therefore doe
not re-recognize them.
However, the bank does know how much money each participant receives or
spends, but not who's paying whom.
% Matthias <[email protected]> Uni Hildesheim +49(5121)883-788 fax-732