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Re: Only accepting e-mail from known parties

On Dec 27, 1995 00:50:13, '"Robert A. Rosenberg" <[email protected]>'
>At 13:23 12/26/95, tallpaul wrote: 
>>I hadn't picked up the problem you mentioned. Thanks for pointing it out.

>You're welcome - You _did_ ask for comments/analysis <g>. 
 I wasn't being sarcastic with the "thank you" and I don't usuallly treat
criticism as a neo-flame. 
As you may have inferred from other posts of mine, I am more interested and
knowledgable about the social aspects of the privacy/crypto/anon debates
then the code/algo aspects. 
I know other peoplw who share my interests but who proceed to write,
publish, comment on the tek issues without understanding them. Getting a
better understanding of them is one of the reaons I'm on the list.
Sometimes I'll venture a view on one of the tek issues, in part to test by
knowledge of those issues from the tek angle. Criticism is first a small
price to pay for the ability to do this. Second, it improves my knowledge
of the tek. 