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On Thu, 21 Dec 1995, David Mandl wrote:

> > Best not to cypherdunk the already nym-shot victims. Privacy is 
> > paramount, bellows this list, no?
> Um, sure, John.
> Cypherpunk relevance: There's apparently an encrypted message in
> John's last paragraph above.  A free T-shirt to the first person to
> find it.

Um....I think that's just his writing style.


PS: I've just finished the first copy of a zero-knowledge client/server 
application.  Its really basic--I'll be adding BBS to it RSN.  IF you 
want it, mail me.

PPS: There's no crypto--just Fiat-Feige-Shamir ZKIPofI.  Can I export this?

Ben Samman..............................................samman@cs.yale.edu
"If what Proust says is true, that happiness is the absence of fever, then
I will never know happiness. For I am possessed by a fever for knowledge,
experience, and creation."                                      -Anais Nin
PGP Encrypted Mail Welcomed      Finger [email protected] for key
Want to give a soon-to-be college grad a job?         Mail me for a resume