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Re: Python Cryptography Toolkit v1.0.0

Andrew Kuchling <[email protected]> writes:
> I've just uploaded version 1.0.0 of the Python Cryptography Toolkit, a
> collection of cryptographic routines for the Python programming language.
> It's at ftp://ftp.cwi.nl/pub/pct/pycrypt100.tgz.  
> 	The Toolkit now contains various cryptographic algorithms such
> as DES, IDEA, MD5, etc.  
> 	Questions, comments, or suggestions are welcomed at the
> address below.

Sounds good. Here's some nitpicking:

(1) If you don't mind announcing that you've exported the software from
Canada to the Netherlands, why not just put it up for ftp at a Canadian 
site ? 

(2) Acronym overload: try to avoid calling your toolkit "PCT", since M$
already has some security protocol called PCT....

-Futplex <[email protected]>