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Re: Political Cleanup program [NOISE]
Phill <[email protected]> wrote:
>It is very strange the way that "Libertarians" are so able to turn all
>rights into property rights. Thus freedom of speech become freedom to have
>influence on the politicial process in direct proportion to wealth.
And what do you propose? Speech in proportion to ability to bitch???
>When the Web becomes as ubiquitous as the telephone we
>will still see inequalities of power, the homeless and the poor will still >be underrepresented.
Let me guess, somehow the government can cure this?
>But that situation must be judged against our own where the
>political process can be bought and traded as if it were any other form of
>It is not simply an issue of money, it is an issue of national security. If a
>foreigner were to control the majority of the media there would be a significant
>threat to the national interest. This threat has been realised in the UK with
>the comming to power of Rupert Murdoch. Fortunately his influence on the US
>political scene has thus far been minor. In his own country he has brought down
>the government more than once.
So what??? He gives us "The Simpsons" and "Married, With Children!"
[IMO] Rupert has done more for humor than any humor-impaired liberal
has ever done!
>>And as far as "prevent the political process from being owned by the rich"
>>goes, there have been brief exceptions over the last 5000 years in which
>>the less-rich have overthrown the rich, but campaign finance laws have >>almost never kept the rich or the politicians from helping each other out.
So??? I'm fighting them, are you???
>In UK politicis the influence of an individual's money is limited to influencing
>one party. Even that is done behind closed doors. The other major parties both
>limit the size of individual contributions to a constituency party to a
>relatively nominal sum. $5000 is a huge sum in UK politics.
They probably bribe in accordance with the marketplace. Big deal.
>>I also don't believe freedom of speech should be limited by national
>Nor do I. But I only vote in one country. If we take the question outside >the US
>it would not on the whole be a good thing if the Prime Minister of Tobago (say)
>were provided with a campaign contribution of $1M by a foreign company with >an
>interest in strip mining the entire island. similarly it would be a bad >thing if
>Columbian drug lords were to make massive contributions to politicians >committed
>to continuing the prohibition on drugs.
They do, right now. Do you think the Libertarians have gotten any
contributions from the drug-smugglers??? If so, please tell me what you
are on and where I can get some. Otherwise, kwitcherbitchin.
Version: 2.6.2
Comment: Freedom isn't Freeh.
Regards, Jim Ray
"Thank God we don't get all the government we pay for." -- Will Rogers
[Back when we paid for (and got) a _lot_ less government.]
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