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Re: Can We Cut the Crap?

"Ed Carp [khijol SysAdmin]" <[email protected]> writes:
> > There are people on this mailing list who appear to have very little techni
> > expertise (e.g., can't figure out how an anonymous remailer works), contrib
> > nothing but silly puerile flames to the discussion, and whose harassment ha
> > caused Fred to stop contributing. They've deprived Fred of his right to spr
> > and readers like me of our right to listen. This is censorship by bullying.
> Now there you are wrong.  No one forced Fred to stop posting to the list
> (I noticed that I just got a posting from him just yesterday, so he may
> have stopped since then), but no one deprived Fred of his right to speak.
> I don't see Eric Hughes standing up and saying "Fed, stop posting to the
> list", and I certainly note that his postings are getting through to the
> list.  So, your statements regarding people harassing Fred, causing him to
> stop posting, etc., are just eyewash and an attempt to emotionally
> manipulate your audience by calling it "censorship".

Ed, I've met Eric Hughes.  You're no Eric Hughes.

The crypto people on this mailing list have asked people repeatedly to
curtail non-crypto-related postings (most recently, Tim May, who started
this thread). This is not censorship. The sliencing of Fred Cohen by a lynch
mob of non-technicals (who, e.g., send e-mail twice) is a disturbing example
of censorship.


<a href="mailto:[email protected]">Dr. Dimitri Vulis</a>
Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps