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Re: New Mitnick Book

On Fri, 5 Jan 1996, Duncan Frissell wrote:

> At 02:36 PM 1/5/96 -0500, Brian Davis wrote:
> >FWIW:  When Markoff showed up with Tsutomu, the FBI agents "assumed" that 
> >he was there with Tsutomu as a fellow researcher/grad 
> >student/assistant/whatever.
> >  
> >They had no idea (initially) that he was with the media.  
> >
> >...
> >
> I take it that you were in the vicinity?  Or is this just what you've heard?
> Any more iside tidbits on the bust?
I spoke to one of the case agents who was in on the bust while at a 
Computer Crime Conference at Quantico.  I don't recall any other tidbits 
at the moment, but I'll think about it again.  They were fairly 
closemouthed about the whole thing because it was reasonably soon after 
the arrest and the case was just getting going (that is, the "case" in 
court, not the "matter" under investigation -- U.S. Attorney-speak).
