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Why can't I get PGP from MIT

MIT won't let me get PGP or PGPhone.  I know their server
went down awhile back but, I have tried them several times
and sent several e-mail requests.  I thought maybe I was
missing something obvious or maybe they are just really
busy.  I keep being told I'm not in the U.S.

I have tried two different Internet service providers and
my Unix account at Lockheed Martin Tactical Aircraft Systems.
I understand why I would be denied when trying to get PGP from 
a commercial site but, under my personal accounts I get the
same results.  I requested that my providers be put on the
"approved" list of domestic sites but still get the same results.
My original e-mail request to MIT was sent roughly 3 months ago.

All I want is clean copy of PGP for personal use.  I have considered
purchasing a commercial system but still would like to try PGP with
the big keys.

                            Sid Post
                            [email protected]