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Re: Domains, InterNIC, and PGP (and physical locations of hosts, to boot)

> Again, I'm not too sure of the viability of this proposal. Not on
> effectiveness of proving true location -- it is more geared toward
> "visual 3-D packet tracing" -- but simply because I have _no_ fricking
> idea where our machines are (in terms of lat and long) to any degree
> of accuracy. ("They're somewhere in PA." Brilliant, you can find that
> out via WHOIS.) The document suggests using GPS to locate your true
> location, but I'll be damned if my boss is going to spend $1,000 just
> so I can have more DNS entries to maintain...
I think a call to your local land registry office will get you a quite
precise bearing (although I never bothered to actually do that, not even
in the time when people were doing that for UUCP maps). It doesn't solve
the problem for LISP's, however - last time I checked it, MIT gave me
happily access from my CIS account...

Cees de Groot, OpenLink Software		     <[email protected]>
262ui/2048: ID=4F018825 FP=5653C0DDECE4359D FFDDB8F7A7970789 [Key on servers]