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Book on Electronic Commerce
From: IN%"[email protected]" 7-JAN-1996 08:47:56.17
Date: Sat, 6 Jan 1996 12:32:20 -0600 (CST)
From: "Andrew B. Whinston" <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Electronic Commerce
We are pleased to announce the publication of a new book on electronic
commerce titled: FRONTIERS of ELECTRONIC COMMERCE (868 pages).
The publisher is Addison-Wesley (1-800-822-6339) and the ISBN no. is
For more details --
Chapter 1,
Research issues in Online Banking
Syllabus of course using the book,
Tranparencies of talks on Electronic Commerce --
see: http://commerce.ssb.rochester.edu/book.html
Table of Contents:
Frontiers of Electronic Commerce
Ravi Kalakota, University of Rochester and
Andrew B. Whinston, University of Texas at Austin
ISBN: 0-201-84520-2, 868 pp., softcover, 1996.
1 Welcome to Electronic Commerce
1.Electronic Commerce Framework
2.Electronic Commerce and Media Convergence
3.The Anatomy of E-Commerce Applications
4.Electronic Commerce Consumer Applications
5.Electronic Commerce Organization Applications
2 The Network Infrastructure for Electronic Commerce
1.Market Forces Influencing the I-Way
2.Components of the I-Way
3.Network Access Equipment
4.The Last Mile: Local Roads and Access Ramps
5.Global Information Distribution Networks
6.Public Policy Issues Shaping the I-Way
3 The Internet as a Network Infrastructure
1.The Internet Terminology
2.Chronological History of the Internet
3.NSFNET: Architecture and Components
4.National Research and Education Network
5.Globalization of the Academic Internet
6.Internet Governance: The Internet Society
7.An Overview of Internet Applications
4 The Business of Internet Commercialization
1.Telco/Cable/On-Line Companies
2.National Independent ISPs
3.Regional-Level ISPs
4.Local-Level ISPs
5.Service Providers Abroad
6.Service Provider Connectivity: Network Interconnection Points
7.Internet Connectivity Options
8.Logistics of Being an Internet Service Provider
5 Network Security and Firewalls
1.Client�Server Network Security
2.Emerging Client�Server Security Threats
3.Firewalls and Network Security
4.Data and Message Security
5.Challenge-Response Systems
6.Encrypted Documents and Electronic Mail
7.U.S. Government Regulations and Encryption
6 Electronic Commerce and World Wide Web
1.Architectural Framework for Electronic Commerce
2.World Wide Web (WWW) as the Architecture
3.Web Background: Hypertext Publishing
4.Technology behind the Web
5.Security and the Web
7 Consumer-Oriented Electronic Commerce
1.Consumer-Oriented Applications
2.Mercantile Process Models
3.Mercantile Models from the Consumer's Perspective
4.Mercantile Models from the Merchant's Perspective
8 Electronic Payment Systems
1.Types of Electronic Payment Systems
2.Digital Token-Based Electronic Payment Systems
3.Smart Cards and Electronic Payment Systems
4.Credit Card-Based Electronic Payment Systems
5.Risk and Electronic Payment Systems
6.Designing Electronic Payment Systems
9 Interorganizational Commerce and EDI
1.Electronic Data Interchange
2.EDI Applications in Business
3.EDI: Legal, Security, and Privacy Issues
4.EDI and Electronic Commerce
10 EDI Implementation MIME, and Value-Added Networks
1.Standardization and EDI
2.EDI Software Implementation
3.EDI Envelope for Message Transport
4.Value-Added Networks (VANs)
5.Internet-Based EDI
11 Intraorganizational Electronic Commerce
1.Internal Information Systems
2.Macroforces and Internal Commerce
3.Work-flow Automation and Coordination
4.Customization and Internal Commerce
5.Supply Chain Management (SCM)
12 The Corporate Digital Library
1.Dimensions of Internal Electronic Commerce Systems
2.Making a Business Case for a Document Library
3.Types of Digital Documents
4.Issues behind Document Infrastructure
5.Corporate Data Warehouses
13 Advertising and Marketing on the Internet
1.The New Age of Information-Based Marketing
2.Advertising on the Internet
3.Charting the On-Line Marketing Process
4.Market Research
14 Consumer Search and Resource Discovery
1.Search and Resource Discovery Paradigms
2.Information Search and Retrieval
3.Electronic Commerce Catalogs or Directories
4.Information Filtering
5.Consumer-Data Interface: Emerging Tools
15 On-Demand Education and Digital Copyrights
1.Computer-Based Education and Training
2.Technological Components of Education On-Demand
3.Digital Copyrights and Electronic Commerce
16 Software Agents
1.History of Software Agents
2.Characteristics and Properties of Agents
3.The Technology behind Software Agents
4.Telescript Agent Language
6.Applets, Browsers, and Software Agents
7.Software Agents in Action
17 The Internet Protocol Suite
1.Layers and Networking
2.Internet Protocol Suite
3.Desktop TCP/IP: SLIP and PPP
4.Other Forms of IP-Based Networking
5.Mobile TCP/IP-Based Networking
6.Multicast IP
7.Next Generation IP (IPng)
18 Multimedia and Digital Video
1.Key Multimedia Concepts
2.Digital Video and Electronic Commerce
3.Desktop Video Processing
4.Desktop Video Conferencing
19 Broadband Telecommunications
1.Broadband Background Concepts
2.Frame Relay
3.Cell Relay
4.Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS)
5.Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
20 Mobile and Wireless Computing Fundamentals
1.Mobile Computing Framework
2.Wireless Delivery Technology and Switching Methods
3.Mobile Information Access Devices
4.Mobile Data Internetworking Standards
5.Cellular Data Communications Protocols
6.Mobile Computing Applications
7.Personal Communication Services (PCS)
21 Structured Documents
1.Structured Document Fundamentals
2.Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)
22 Active/Compound Document Architecture
1.Defining Active Documents
2.Approaches to Active Documents
3.Object Linking and Embedding
5.COBRA: Distributed Objects
-- Ravi
Ravi Kalakota POTS: (716) 275-3102 Fax: (716)273-1140
Xerox Assistant Professor of Information Systems
Simon School--University of Rochester
Rochester, New York 14627 e-mail: [email protected]