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Good Riddance to Wiesenthal and His Nazis

At 6:26 PM 1/10/96, Adam Shostack wrote:
>        The Wiesenthal center is very influential in Jewish circles.
>Attacking them directly would probably be a bad idea, and create bad
>associations for anonymity amongst Jews.  (I'll come back to this.)

I for one won't hesitate to criticize these Jew Nazis.

Who cares if it "creates bad associations for anonymity amongst Jews"? If a
Jew is put off by condemnation of the Wiesenthalistas and their pogrom
against free speech, I say good riddance.

Didn't those Jews learn anything? It wasn't "free speech" in pre-war
Germany that led to the extermination of Jews, it was the rise to power (by
a combination of circumstances involving a putsch, the Reichstag fire, a
feeble ruler, hunger for strong leadership, dire economic conditions, and
other factors) by Hitler and the placing of too much power in the hands of
a central government.

>methodology.  There is also a difference between stopping skinheads
>and stopping blacks, in that the skinheads decided to wear clothing
>and tattoos that identify them as skinheads, and thus may more fairly
>be asked to bear the consequences.

So, wearing the wrong clothes because the clothes identify one as a member
of a political group is grounds for being stopped by the police? "Asked to
bear the consequences"?

Since when?

--Tim May

(In case anyone is in doubt, I have no beef (or pork) with Jews. I think
their religion is just another quaint Middle Eastern idol-worshiping cult,
on a par with Islam and Christianity and Zoroastrianism. But I have been
following the attempts by such Nazi Jews as the Simon Wiesenthal chapter
Jews in L.A. to censor the Net--their first calls went out at least two
years ago--and this latest sending of 200+ "advisory letters" to ISPs, if
confirmed, will be their undoing. The Thule Network is already using
Cypherpunks-type remailers, and this will only gain them more members.)

We got computers, we're tapping phone lines, we know that that ain't allowed.
Timothy C. May              | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
[email protected]  408-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
Higher Power: 2^756839 - 1  | black markets, collapse of governments.
"National borders aren't even speed bumps on the information superhighway."