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Re: Shimomura on TV?

At 07:38 PM 1/11/96 -0500, [email protected] wrote:
>>Has anyone heard anything else about this? I am getting real sick of the
>>media's portrayal of the internet. They never say anything good about it.
>At the last World Wide Web consortium meeting I said that the media were
>pumping up the bubble and their favourite game is to see if they can 
>destroy what they have the arrogance to imagine they created.
>That is why we have to replace the press. Consider this in the next 
>election voters on the Internet will be able to read the press releases
>of the candidates without the press filtering them. There is the potential
>for the internet citizens to participate in shaping the political agenda 
>- another role the press likes to usurp for itself.
>I recently held a workshop on political use of the Web which was attended
>by Republican and Democrat party workers and political activists from
>6 other countries. One thing that suprized me was the consensus amongst the
>politicians that the differences between them were smaller than their 
>differences with the press.
>To take one example. A collumnist in the New York Times recently received
>much coverage for calling the First Lady "a congenital liar". Yet little 
>mention is made of the fact that said collumnist worked for both Nixon and
>Spiro Agnew and has never condemned either for their actions. 
>	Phill
It is disgusting to me. I would really like to do something about it. I use
to have a sig file(s) that said:

"The revolution will not be televised but the proceeedings will be available

During the french revolution someone said "Look their is a revolt" And
another replied "No, a revolution." Or something to that affect. But anyway
I say we as a community do something. Look around the potential is here for
something big e.g. C2.org
==================Douglas Elznic===================
                 [email protected]
            (315)682-5489 (315)682-1647
               4877 Firethorn Circle
                 Manlius, NY 13104
    "Challenge the system, question the rules."
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