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Dear Cypherpunks,

I believe that ViaCrypt still has one available, altho it is not very


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Received: by attpls.net with Magicmail;13 Jan 96 22:11:45 UT
Date: 15 Jan 96 02:46:57 UT
Sender: [email protected] (owner-cypherpunks)
From: [email protected] (owner-cypherpunks)
Subject: RSA accellerators on ISA/PCI cards?
To: [email protected] (Cypherpunks)
Message-Id: <Pine.SOL.3.91.960113125755.22437B-100000@chivalry>
X-X-SENDER: ses@chivalry

Does anybody have any recommendations for a good RSA accellerator 
available on an ISA/PCI card? I'm looking for something that can be
with numerous public/private keys, though the ability to have one 
tamperproof key would be a bonus.

(defun modexpt (x y n)  "computes (x^y) mod n"
  (cond ((= y 0) 1) 	((= y 1) (mod x n))
	((evenp y) (mod (expt (modexpt x (/ y 2) n) 2) n))
	(t (mod (* x (modexpt x (1- y) n)) n))))
