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Re: Crypto anarchist getting through customs

	well, Mr. Horrowitz, I once had a strong belief in democracy
    and the U.S. Constitution, particularly the Bill of Rights.

****** IMPORTANT, get your BS detector working!

	you'd probably call me a lying asshole if I told you your
    _beloved_ Bubba signed PPD 25 which permits UN control of US
    forces, _in America_!  and allows the UN to bring in UN troops.

	and, your meter will really peg out if I told you the DOD
    gave Navy Seals and Marine Recon units a long questionaire to
    determine their "loyalty" and they even asked "under an order
    to confiscate weapons from US citizens ...would you shoot to 
    kill [US citizens] who refused to surrender their weapons 
    if so ordered by UN officers?
	and, you'll scream "liar" if I tell you that the Department
    of the Navy is not subject to the posse comitase act which prevents
    the Army from being used in civilian affairs. Guess where the
    United States Marine Corps, the finest shock troops in history 
    are (125,000 fighting men currently)  --Navy.

	maybe you should review the procedures for the Feds --they
    have 72 hours to charge you or release you  --more if they are
    lucky enough to bag their prey after 4pm Friday --they are not
    even required to give you a phone call until you have been read
    your rights.  And, they don't read you your rights unless they
    charge you.

	second, check just what your rights are in US border check
    points --how about probable cause before they subject you to a
    strip search and body cavity check? how about liability for
    shredding your possessions if they want to be assholes, and 
    still find nothing? (you're real lucky if you get some Polish
    luggage (shopping bags)  how about some help to put your shit 
    back together?  how about a grievance procedure? --that's the 
    big joke.

	it's not INS, they couldn't give a shit about your politics,
    but if you name pops up when they "stripe" your passport, they
    pass that along to the FBI, DEA, and other LEs  

	check out LA next time you go through the Bradley gauntlet. 
    LA will take the time to punch in the numbers on a US FS passport,
    and US DP passports aint worth a shit in the US.  If they get a
    match, there's an army of those Fed blue jackets with the agency
    name on the back in large letters  --they're highly visible.

On Mon, 15 Jan 1996, Alan Horowitz wrote:

> My bullshit detector is starting to pin the needle.
	your option. I'm not proselytizing!

> US Customs doesn't care about your political status or leanings. 
> They want to collect the proper excise and catch contraband.
	what ever you say... but they get extra bonus points for 
    a rather large number of things.

> There are INS people at passport control.   I am skeptical that they 
> would detain a US passport holder for 36 hours. I would like to see some 
> evidence that this actually happened.
	well, I'm not passing my jacket --and you cant get it with FOIA

	anyway, it isn't the INS that detains...
> US citizens can't be excluded from the country, nor have their 
> citizenship taken away from them.
	which rock you been hiding under?
> Alan Horowitz
> [email protected]
	remember, a conservative is a liberal, 
	who had his ass mugged last night.

    go not unto usenet for advice, for the inhabitants thereof will say:
      yes, and no, and maybe, and I don't know, and fuck-off.
_________________________________________________________________ attila__

    To be a ruler of men, you need at least 12 inches....