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Re: Eggs at Customs (fwd)
In article <[email protected]>,
[email protected] (tallpaul) wrote:
> You mean you actually believe the Jesuit/Masonic/ cover story about pet
> birds!! How naive can you get!!!
The truth is that there is an exotic Brazilian/African animist cult,
similar to Vodoun and Santeria, one of whose rituals involves the
sacrifice of tropical birds to the loa.
Career diplomats in the State Department have covertly joined this cult
while in Brazil and have been spreading through the U.S. government.
There is a deadly struggle going on right now between the cultists and
right-thinking Christians. Currently the State Department, the FAA, the
Department of Energy (responsible for our nation's nuclear weapons
arsenal), and the Federal Aviation Administration are under the control
of the voodoo cultists; At the forefront of the fight is the BATF,
Customs (hence the scrutiny at eggs on the border), and the Interior
Department. The Social Security Administration is the current battleground.
This is the real reason for the recent government closures. (The
conveniently arranged budget standoff is another cover story.)
ObCypherpunks: The head of the NSA is said to have attended two voodoo
rituals, although it has not been confirmed that he is a full member of
the cult.
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