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Better diversity through Perrymoose.

(Sorry Perry, I just couldn't resist :-> )

On Tue, 16 Jan 1996, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

> Sorry, but no.
> If you know that your posting is off topic, you shouldn't be posting
> it, period. Reply in private or some such. The S to N ratio in these
> parts is dropping rapidly, and its largely the fault of people who
> think "just one more off topic post can't hurt". One person doing it
> causes little damage, but unfortunately dozens upon dozens feel the
> urge every day.
			What is a toad machine? 

In the spirit of John's evolutionary programming post, I submit that
cypherpunks and all its components (on topic posts, jya's news reports, sheer
paranoia, clueless newbies wanting to join or leave, Klaus! VFP, flamewars, 
perryflames...) constitute a dynamic and evolving optimizing computational 
(enough fuzzy words for you?) system of which we are the calculators. 

Think of toad.com as an input/output box to interface us cells(not to 
mention a strange attractor for every cook on the net). We have a 
topic (or goal) of cryptography and anonymity, codewriters to give us 
something other than politics to talk about, a persistent random noise 
function to increase diversity, and Perry as a factor of noise limitation.
Obviously massively parallel. Is this a genetic algorithm, a semantic net,
or some other model? I dunno. As I hear the *plonking* sound of killfiles 
closing in on me and my inane post, I wonder...where will it go?
A topic for further study.
