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Re: Spiderspace

Bill mentions 'archie';  it's interesting to note that the problem of 
stuff that wasn't supposed to be public turning up in archie listings 
dates back to at least 1991. Amongst the problems were hosts of the form  
ftp.<foo>.com which had anyonmous ftp, but which weren't supposed to be 
public, and of files put up on such sites but not announced, usually by 
support people transferring a file to some customer which then got picked 
up in the sweep.

Then of course, there was the time in 1993 when someone left a 
world-writable directory on the X consortium web site intowhich someone 
uploaded 300Mb of pornographic jpegs. This happened over the weekend, so 
they had a nice long chance to sit there while all the mirror sites 
happily duplicated them. If it was your turn to be archied whilst those 
files were there, you were in the database till your next sweep. All 
those Horny net geeks who found the directories empty would then send 
plaintive messages asking where the files were, and how to join the gif club.


 (defun modexpt (x y n)  "computes (x^y) mod n"
  (cond ((= y 0) 1) 
	((= y 1) (mod x n))
	((evenp y) (mod (expt (modexpt x (/ y 2) n) 2) n))
	(t (mod (* x (modexpt x (1- y) n)) n))))