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Re: Alta Vista, Great Stuff!

At 11:26 PM 1/16/96, Beethoven wrote:
>Imagine your nym is related to something common-place at
>the time of posting.  Even though you may be well known
>under that nym, simple searches for that name will turn up
>loads of crapola, or at least some light entertainment
>for someone searching for oyur past posts.

My name is rare and matched mostly by lists of the highest points of
elevation in each state (Mt. Frissell in Connecticut) and museum shows of
the work of a distant cousin Toni Frissell who was a fashion photographer in
NYC.  Most of the rest is mine.  If you have a common name/nym it would be
harder to track (except by searching for email address rather than name).


"Now everyone knows that Mohammed and Lee are the most common names in the
world.  Maybe I should change my name to Mohammed Lee."