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What news along the Rialto?
Well, we're waiting. . .
Those of us who didn't make it to the RSADSI conference are
anxious to hear interesting tales of the Left Coast & crypto.
One need not have the stylistic piquancy of John Young; one
need only type up one's notes, optionally sign the missive,
and mail or remail on to the list, posterity, and the Hoover
I think maybe Bob H. went[?]; he e$pammed a press release
from Florida's own Fischer Int'l. Sys. Corp. re: SmartDisk,
which isn't really news, having been out for quite some time.
When I first saw it, I smacked my forehead sharply with my
open hand and said, "Exon the Contented Catamite! Why didn't
I think of that?" I hope they sell a million of them.
Any news from field agents appreciated.
Any news from RSADSI re: prices and availablity of videos,
etc., is also OK as far as I'm concerned.
Defending the home, regret vanishes. - 19Jan96@I_Ching.tao
p.s. noise.sys is neato! Thanks, Robt. Rothenburg Walking-Owl
and funet.fi folks