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Re: NSA vacuuming down Internet traffic
On Jan 20, 1996 04:05:50, 'Tatu Ylonen <[email protected]>' wrote:
>As for the keyword search problem, it would easily be possible to scan
>much of the data (say, tcp ports smtp, nntp, login, exec, ident) in
>real time against a million-phrase dictionary (containing keywords,
>e-mail addresses, names, abbreviations, etc.). If there are
>performance problems, you can first limit by
>source/destination/protocol/port. Only intercepts (e.g., entire tcp
>connections) that pass this initial screening are passed on to other
>machines for more complicated analysis.
>Note also that many parts of the filtering problem parallelize quite
Or simply pipeline it.
Bare bones Pentium systems go for under $US 1,000 (quantity one) on the
open market. Buy them in quantity and a private company can set up a
thousand Pentium pipeline for under a million dollars. Easily affordable
for even medium-sized corporations.
"To understand the probable outcome of the Libertarian vision, see any
cyberpunk B movie wherein thousands of diseased, desparate and starving
families sit around on ratty old couches on the streets watching television
while rich megalomaniacs appropriate their body parts for their personal
physical immortality."
R. U. Sirius
_The Real Cyberpunk Fakebook_