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InfoWarCon Europe 1996 Updated Schedule

---------- Revised Short Draft DOI: 18 Jan 96  ----------
P L E A S E  D I S T R I B U T E  W I D E L Y 

             InfoWarCon (Europe) '96
        Defining the European Perspective
               Brussels, Belgium
                 May 23-24 1996 

Sponsored by:

  National Computer Security Association
  Winn Schwartau, President and CEO, Interpact, Inc.
  Robert David Steele, Chairman & CEO, Open Source Solutions Group 

May 22, 1996

17:00 - 20:00	Pre-Registration					
18:00 - 21:00	Hosted Cocktail Party with Music
		Most conference speakers will be in attendance.  Meet
		Mr. Schwartau and Mr. Steele. 

May 23, 1995

07:00 - 08:30	Registration						
07:00 - 08:30	Sponsored Continental Breakfast				


08:30 - 09:00	Keynote Speech						
		Major General William Robbins
			Director General of Information and
			Communications Services
			Ministry of Defence, United Kingdom (Invited) 
09:00 - 10:00	"Information Warfare: Chaos on the Electronic Superhighway"	
		Winn Schwartau, President and CEO, Interpact, Inc., USA
10:00 - 11:15	East Versus West: Military Views of Information Warfare		
		Moderator:	Robert Steele
		East: 	General Nikolai Ivanovich Turko,
			Information Warfare Expert
			Russia (invited)
		West: Captain Patrick Tyrell
			Assistant Director, Information Warfare Policy, 
			Ministry of Defence, United Kingdom
11:15 - 11:45	Sponsored Break						
11:45 - 13:00	Law Enforcement in Cyberspace: Cooperation is the Key
		Moderator: Winn Schwartau
		Miguel Chyamorro, (invited)
			Executive Assistant Director, Interpol
		Netherlands--Rotterdam Police (invited)
13:00 - 14:30	Lunch 							
13:30 - 14:00	Special Luncheon Presentation
14:30 - 16:00
Breakout I:	Threats to European Civil Prosperity
		Moderator: Winn Schwartau:)
			Private Businesses
			Germany, France, UK
Breakout II:	Information Warfare: Support for Conventional War Fighting
		Moderator: SHAPE - NATO (invited)
		Panel:  US - Gen. Jim McCarthy USAF (Ret)
			Russia: Admiral Vladimir Semenovich Pirumov (Ret)
			Chairman of Scientific Counsel of the
			Russian Security Counsel (invited)
			Sweden - (Invited)
16:00-16:30	Sponsored Break						
16:30 - 18:00	"Hackers: National Resources or Merely Cyber-Criminals?"
			Mich Kabay, Ph.D., Director of Education, NCSA and 
			Robert Steele, President, OSS, Inc.
			Rop Gonggrijp - Hactic and The Digital City 
				Amsterdam, Netherlands 
			Chris Goggans, co-founder Leagion of Doom, US
			CHAOS Computer Club, Germany (invited)
			"Frantic" Convicted French Hacker (invited)
18:00 - 21:00	Hosted Reception					
21:00 - 23:00	"Dutch Dinners" for Birds of a Feather			
			Rallying points will be provided.

May 24, 1996

07:00 - 8:30	Sponsored Continental Breakfast 
08:30 - 9:00	Keynote Speech
		"Efforts to Maximize Information As New Age Weapon"
			General Pichot-Duclos, France
9:00 - 10:00	"Creating Smart Nations Through National Information 
		Strategies: Intelligence And Security Issues"	
			Robert David Steele, President, OSS, Inc. US
10:00 - 11:15 	"The Convergence of Military and Commercial 
			Winn Schwartau
			Bob Ayers, DISA, Department of Defense, US
			Dr. Leroy Pearce, Sr. Tech. Advisor, representing
			MajGen Leech, Asst. Dep. Minister, Defence 
			Information Services, Canada
			Holland / Belgium
			Captain. Pat Tyrell, Ministry of Defence, UK
11:15 - 11:45	Sponsored Break						
11:45 - 13:00	Societal Impact of Information Warfare 			
		Moderator:  Winn Schwartau,
			The Croatian View: Pedrag Pale, Chairman
				InfoTech Coordinating Committee, Ministry of
				Science, Technology, and Informatics.
			General James McCarthy (ret) US
13:00 - 14:30	Lunch 							
13:30-14:00	Special Luncheon Presentation 
14:30 - 16:00
Breakout I:	Legislation & Personal Privacy: 
		A Global Electronic Bill of Rights?
		Moderator: Dr. Mich Kabay, NCSA 
		Simon Davies, Electronic Privacy International, UK
Breakout II:	"Industrial Espionage: An Update"
		Moderator: Winn Schwartau
			Phillipe Parant, Diecteur, DST, France (invited) 
			Miguel Chamorro, Exec. Director, Interpol (invited)
			Kroll Associates US 
16:00 - 16:30	Sponsored Break						
16:30 - 18:00	Defining War in the Information Age
			"The New National Security"
		Brief comments by Winn Schwartau and Robert Steele - 
		and then a lively interactive audience debate.
18:00 - 18:10 	Closing Comments
18:00 - 20:00	No-Host Reception					

To obtain the latest edition of this program, send EMail to:

	[email protected]

For more information about NCSA:

	WWW:	http://www.ncsa.com
	CompuServe:	GO NCSA
	EMail:		[email protected]

Sponsorships for various InfoWarCon (Europe) 96 events are still available. 
To find out how to sponsor portions:

	Contact Paul Gates at the NCSA: [email protected]

To reach: 	Winn Schwartau:  [email protected]
		Robert Steele: [email protected]

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		        Winn Schwartau - Interpact, Inc.
		        Information Warfare and InfoSec
		       V: 813.393.6600 / F: 813.393.6361
			    [email protected]