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Re: Crippled Notes export encryption
> Would the above code be export-restricted because it contained wishful
> thinking about how nice it would be to use encryption?
IANAL, but my guess is that no, that code would not be exportable. At
least not if there really is a domestic vs. export version. Yes, it
gets really fuzzy here. I think if you started with this code and
didn't have any hooks at all, and only had a version (domestic and
export) which contained this wishful thinking, you might get away with
it. Then again, if that were the case it would not be export
controlled in the first place since it doesn't use encryption ;)
Yes, it is a huge can of worms. Worse, since it is done on a
case-by-case basis, there really is no clear definition of where the
exportable vs. non-exportable line actually is. You need to try it to
test if it will work or not.