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Re: "This post is G-Rated"

At 18:11 1/25/96, Timothy C. May wrote:

>Suppose "alt.fan.barney" is rated G, by "someone." Since I can post stuff
>with strong language, and worse, to alt.fan.barney, is it still rated G, or
>was my stuff blocked?

What you will see is something like this: all lists/newsgroups will have to
be moderated with the name of the moderator clearly stated just as it is in
print magazines today. If something that is potentially dangerous to
children, that is any information that might encourage anyone to think for
themselves, gets posted, the moderator will be held liable. Since that will
lead to the moderator erring on the side of caution, discussions on USENET/
mailing lists will become next to useless and therefor die out for anything
non-technical (no, that won't include cryptography) or politically

Any ISPs carrying non-moderated groups or mailing lists is subject to the
often mentioned mandatory long years in prison under the Child Protection
Act of 1998.

It is all rather simple. And the public will thank the kind and caring
legislators that show such deep concerns for their children.

-- Lucky Green <mailto:[email protected]>
   PGP encrypted mail preferred.