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Re: John Doe

At 02:07 AM 1/26/96 -0500, [email protected] wrote:
>On Jan 25, 1996 20:58:48, '[email protected]' wrote: 
>>The John Doe NYM/Remailer interface for Windows is a most excellent 
>>program that will allow even the most cypher-illiterate to make use of 
>>the technology that has been the exclusive domain of those in the 
>>"techno-know".  It was a piece of cake to set up, obtain a NYM and select 
>>inbound and outbound remailers with options to chain as many as your 
>>paranoia deemed appropriate. 
>>$25.00 seemed a little steep but they will get my $$$.  Nice Job. 
>>John Doe 0007 
>(Unlike jdoe-0007 I think $25 is a very low price to pay for the new
>capacity. What the hell! We're not gonna' pay for it out of our own lazy
>pockets. We'll raise the tax on hot tubs and get other people to buy it for
I haven't DL'ed/pirated/bought it yet, but what does it do that Joel
McNamara's Private Idaho doesn't do?  (BTW, PI is _freeware_ as in
$25 less than $25.)


([email protected] - see, it doesn't have to be anonymous after all)

David E. Smith, c/o Southeast Missouri State University
1210 Towers South, Cape Girardeau MO USA 63701-4745
+1(573)339-3814, "[email protected]", PGP ID 0x961D2B09
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