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Re: [rant] A thought on filters and the V-Chip

At 7:56 PM 1/26/96, Alan Olsen wrote:

>More will follow as the demons appear in more and more forms.

Just a minor correction, here. You mention "demons."

Under the "C" heading inside the V-chip, C for Christian, any use of such
Satanic-related language must be labelled for filtering by all
right-thinking Christians.

Terms considered to be Satanic-inspired: demon, daemon, sprite, troll,
Goddess, witch, Wicca, Cthulhu, Crowley, and about 73 other words which the
V-chip is programmed to recognize.

(The V-chip had originally been programmed to reject "pixel," but we
convinced them that pixels have nothing to do with pixies, which of course
are on the list of banned words to be filtered.)


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