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Re: "Gentlemen do not read each other's mail"
At 06:39 PM 1/25/96 -0500, Jay Holovacs wrote:
>I might suppose that a significant reason why the nuclear arms race did
>not come to blows was the balance of espionage between NSA/CIA/KGB etc.
>With accurate information on your enemy, one is less likely to be
>panicked into a preemtive strike.
On the other hand, with inaccurate information concerning enemy
capabilities and will, one is more likely to believe that the
enemy is incapable of destroying you from the grave, or lacks the
necessary will to destroy the world in response to a small
"surgical" nuclear strike.
They called it the peace of fear, the peace of terror, and the pax
atomica. They did not call it the peace of the NSA
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