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Re: [NOISE] Re: NWLibs> Re: Anonymous trashing of Assassination Politics
At 02:17 AM 1/28/96 -0800, Rich Graves wrote:
>On Sat, 27 Jan 1996, Jack Hammer wrote:
>> Here might be an interesting example of a snippet from a plot to commit
>> criminal syndicalism.
>You know, I'm not really sure whether you're kidding, ignorant, cheering,
>or warning. Frankly, I don't fucking care. You guys are all nuts. And I
>should know -- ask Clark or AlanD.
I guess I should offer a partial apology, even though I'm not really
responsible for this. Jack Hammer is the on-air name for John Benneth, who
is a local (to me, Portland, Oregon) "moderator" for a "advertised as
controversial" radio talk call-in show. He saw my Assassination Politics
essay a few months ago, and for a few weeks just before the November sweeps
Neilsen ratings period he was trying to bait me into calling in, thinking
I'd be a sucker for a local audience. (He _needs_ controversy to be
sucessful.) Since then he gave up for a while, although he occasionally
snipes at me. I assume his interest will wax and wane as various ratings
periods come and go.
>I have saved Jim Bell's "Assassination Politics" essay, with his PGP
>signature, and soon to be a lot of other things, at
> http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~llurch/Not_By_Me_Not_My_Views/
Thank you. I guess...
BTW, I sent the file to you as A16.??? That isn't a really descriptive
name. Please change it to something more mnemonic, like ASPOL.TXT or something.
>I plan to collect as many off-the-wall conspiracy theories in this
>directory as will fit in my disk quota. And when I run out of quota, I'll
>raise it for myself.
Now, now, Rich, "Assassination Politics" is not a "conspiracy theory". Or,
at least, it's not your classic "conspiracy theory."
>I think it's time the wacky right and wacky left started looking at each
>other's Web pages and lurking on each others' lists.
What about the wacky libertarians? Why did you leave us out?!? Waaaaaaahhhh!!!
> It's really funny
>putting two "Anarchist" pages, one featuring Che Guevara, the other
>featuring David Duke, side by side. Both say the guvment is out to get
I, on the other hand, am out to "get" the government. But you'll be hearing
more about that later.
Jim Bell
Klaatu Burada Nikto
"Something is going to happen... Something....Wonderful!"
Version: 2.6.2