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Re: Denning's misleading statements

On Sun, 28 Jan 1996, Peter Wayner wrote:

> I believe that David Gelerntner, the professor of computer
> science at Yale University injured by a UNABOMBER bomb, is also
> a supporter of the Clipper chip. This may or may not be
> something that arose from the bombing. But I'm not sure how many
> cavaets and things he adds to his position. He may have changed
> it. But then he's not exactly a cryptographer.

There's quite a few folks in the Yale CS department that are pro-Clipper
or fence sitters.  They justify it in class by claiming that law
enforcement needs these abilities if LE is to remain effective. 

FWIW, Gerlernter is in the Parallel group here.

Ben Samman..............................................samman@cs.yale.edu
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