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Re: "German service cuts Net access" (to Santa Cruz)

The German prosecuters are currently targeting the site of Mr Zundel, "who
is well known for his open revisionist positions."

Zundel is not in fact a Nazi, but an anti nazi:  Here is a sample
of his work.

Bottom line.  German prosecuters are amazingly ignorant idiots.

Press Release                                        Date:  January 3,
           Attention:  Assignment Editor / For immediate release

Hate all that you can hate in the Nazi Reserves!

In The Nazi Reserves, we hate more people before 6am, than most people
hate all day!

We promise if you join The Nazi Reserves, you will be trained in:

1) Marching
2) Re-learning History
3) Growing a mustache just like Hitler's
4) Burning your own house and blaming it on Jews!
5) Learning how to blame *everything* on Jews!
6) Learning how to blame everything that can't be blamed on Jews on the
7) Learning how to blame everything that can't be blamed on the Jews or
the Blacks on the Liberals!
8) Learning how to blame everything that can't be blamed on the Jews or
the Blacks or the Liberals on the Catholics!
9) How to signal the Alien Nazi UFO Mothership!
10) More marching!
11) How to enjoy being anal probed by Nazi aliens from space!
12) How to make your jackboots *really* shine!
13) How to beat up homosexuals (this one's easy-- just make sure you
outnumber them by about 6:1, and make sure you're in Colorado)
14) And yes, MORE marching!

If you join now, we promise you there will be *no volleyball* and *no
push-ups* and no *5 mile runs!*

Yes, even middle aged balding men can join the Nazi Reserves!

The Nazi Reserves:  It's not just a job, it's a perversion!

(Not like my other perversions which involve trying to stuff my plump legs
into stockings and prance around in heels.)


Surveys show that 9 out of 10 prisons prefer candidates who have learned
the skills taught in The Nazi Reserves!  Join now and you increase your
chances of receiving free meals and housing for the rest of your life!

               -- Ernst Zundel

My right to free speech supersedes your right to exist.

We have the right to defend ourselves	|   http://www.jim.com/jamesd/
and our property, because of the kind	|  
of animals that we are. True law	|   James A. Donald
derives from this right, not from the	|  
arbitrary power of the state.		|   [email protected]