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FV's Borenstein discovers keystroke capture programs! (pictures at 11!)

Is this the most transparent media attention grab or what?  FV's
"Chief Scientist" writes a killer application to destroy
Internet commerce and it is really only a keystroke capture
program with a bit of credit card number recognition code tacked

I don't think this has any "implications for Internet commerce".
If you run any number of virus protection programs on your
computer, and you get your software from reliable sources,
you never need worry about clandestine number snarfing.

I readily admit that there is a larger issue about viruses and
being able to trust your software, but the presentation from FV
of this announcement as a "fatal flaw" in internet commerce is
remarkably disingenuous.  They are really saying, "We have the
only safe approach" quietly between the lines.

And before pm. says it, this has very little to do with

Skeptically yours,

	David Macfarlane.