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Re: [NOISE] Re: The Big Lie
At 15:54 1/28/96, John F. Fricker wrote:
>Besides in this day and age where Isreal is a nuclear arsenal run by nutty
>rightwing warlords who in their right mind would dare belittle their
When the world community has a double standard when it comes to treating
Isreal's actions differently from any other country, those "warlords" might
be justified in their actions. Can you name any other country that was a
non-participant in a war, was attacked by one side, and was told by the
other side that they could neither join that side nor retaliate for the
attacks (I'm talking about Operation Desert Storm and the Scuds aimed at
Isreal). Any other country would have been allowed to participate or
allowed to declare war on the attacker (and send a few missiles over as an
incentive to stop attacking a neutral party to the war). The US (and the
others Participants) were scared shitless of allowing Isreal into the fight
since, if let it, the war would have been over real fast and Sadam H. would
have been pushing up daisies (The Isrealis have a habit of being able to
take care of themselves with minimal "collateral damage" when their hands
are not tied by the actions of other Governments telling them that they are
not allowed to do what any other Government is allowed to do as a matter of
normal policy when faced with aggression).