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Alleged-RC2 code posted to sci.crypt
I'm surprised I haven't seen a mention of this here.
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From: [email protected] (Anonymous)
Newsgroups: sci.crypt
Subject: RC2 source code
Date: 29 Jan 1996 06:38:04 +0100
Organization: Hack-Tic International, Inc.
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* To commemorate the 1996 RSA Data Security Conference, the following *
* code is released into the public domain by its author. Prost! *
* *
* This cipher uses 16-bit words and little-endian byte ordering. *
* I wonder which processor it was optimized for? *
* *
* Thanks to CodeView, SoftIce, and D86 for helping bring this code to *
* the public. *
[potential trade secret and ITAR violation elided]
So far, no confirmations, denials, or test vectors posted.
If true, this removes my biggest objection to S/MIME (leaving all the
nonbiggest objections in place, of course).