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My mail to Nathaniel (was Re: Re: FV Demonstrates Fatal Flaw inSoftware Encryption of Credit)

My mailer insists that Nathaniel Borenstein wrote:
> Hello. I am Nathaniel Borenstein's automatic mail robot.

I should have suspected as much.  Hello robot.  Nice robot.  Busy  

> Your message is in the highest priority category of mail that was
> not sent through the "urgent backdoor". Nathaniel WILL READ YOUR
> MAIL SOON, most likely tomorrow morning.

Busy Nathaniel.

> THE "URGENT BACKDOOR": If your message absolutely cannot wait until
> tomorrow morning, or possibly a bit later, please re-send it to the
> address "[email protected]". Please make note of the special
> urgent address for future reference. Be warned, however, that
> Nathaniel can tell me to override the "urgent" delivery for anyone
> who regularly abuses it.

You gotta be kidding.  I just gotta see the response from this one.

> Additionally, if you're someone he doesn't know, Nathaniel will NOT
> ANSWER your mail if the answer is contained in the NSB FAQ.

I can most assuredly aver that my comments and questions were not  
covered in the NSB FAQ. ;-)

Paul M. Cardon -- I speak for myself.  'nuff said.

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