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Re: [NOISY] Your own Zundelsite in five minutes or less
At 23:07 1/30/96, Rich Graves wrote:
>> We won't have won until they restore the routes to Webcom.
>Here I have trouble with the word "we," and what we're trying to
>Censorship has clearly lost. Germany is simply not going to block
>stanford.edu, cmu.edu, mit.edu, upenn.edu, aol.com, and so on, not to
>mention AFS.
But they succeeded in blocking Webcom. Until the block is removed, we
haven't won. Do 'we' agree that the block should be removed?
>I do not believe that the battle to get people to read and care about
>Zundel himself is ours.
Amen. I just wished that the people who's names mark some of the milestones
in the fights for our rights (i.e, Miranda, as in Miranda Rights) were
people whose causes I can support. Having seen concentration camps, I can
not possibly sympathize with Mr. Z�ndel's views. But he still has a right
to free speech. If he loses it, we lose it. It all comes down to this:
First they came for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up,
because I wasn't a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up,
because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn't speak up,
because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me,
and by that time there was no one
left to speak up for me.
by Rev. Martin Niemoller, 1945.
>I do not want to allow the Nazis to associate themselves with "us."
>Please see article <[email protected]> for a little on what
>they're trying to claim credit for. Note they are calling for mirror
>sites nearly three days after they popped up, with no involvement on
>their part whatsoever.
I can imagine what they wrote. "The world is supporting our cause...." No,
I do not support their cause. I despise their cause. And I still support
their rights.
-- Lucky Green <mailto:[email protected]>
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