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Re: Some questions about ecash[tm]

  The following may be of some help: 
    DigiCash bv was founded by Dr. David Chaum, a digital cash 
    and electronic security expert.  DigiCash announced the first 
    software-only product, called Ecash, that allows the transfer 
    of digital cash over the Internet.  CURRENTLY, DigiCash tech- 
    nology is being used in electronic wallets and smart cards; 
    but IN THE LONG-TERM, the technology will be used for MANY 
    MORE applications. 
    Company Information:            Kruislaan 419 
                                    1098 VA Amsterdam 
                                    The Netherlands 
                                    Phone: 31 20 665 2611 
                                    Fax: 31 20 668 5486 
                                    E-mail: [email protected] 
    Security                        RSA Data Security public key 
                                    cryptography, including en- 
                                    cryption, authentication, and 
                                    digital signatures, as well as 
                                    PROPRIETARY blind signature 
    Unique Attributes               Blind signature technology 
                                    ensures anonymous transactions. 
  The above is excerpted from Lisa Morgan's chapter, "Internet Com- 
  merce," in: 
                     Frederick Cooper et al 
                     Implementing Internet Security 
                     New Riders Publishing 
  Capitalization is mine. 