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Re: Shimomura on TV?

> Why let it bother you? You must understand that the majority of the 
> population of the United States is working class trash, the news 

"Working class trash"?  You are starting to sound like slick 
willie..."the problem with this country is the working class" or some 
such nonsense...
Ed Carp, N7EKG    			[email protected], [email protected]
					214/993-3935 voicemail/digital pager
					800/558-3408 SkyPager
Finger [email protected] for PGP 2.5 public key		[email protected]

"Past the wounds of childhood, past the fallen dreams and the broken families,
through the hurt and the loss and the agony only the night ever hears, is a
waiting soul.  Patient, permanent, abundant, it opens its infinite heart and
asks only one thing of you ... 'Remember who it is you really are.'"

                    -- "Losing Your Mind", Karen Alexander and Rick Boyes