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Attila sez:

>         the SWC is a prime example of very narrow view which is trying to 
>     "control" what we can say --unfortunately, SWC is guilty of the same
>     mind-control tactics as the core Nazi party which persecuted them  ==
>     a very poor example.  In Germany, trading on collective guilt they 
>     will never stop feeding, they have effectively controlled the issue
>     so that _any_ speech or revision against their agenda is a hate crime,
>     and therefore a serious felony. 

   Sounds like you're a little weak on your history, Attila. Not that I
agree with the SWC's policies one bit, but some basic dates and facts -
when SW was born, when he founded his C, when WW2 was, what the Nazis did
during it and what the SWC has done since, when and how the anti-Nazi and
hate speech laws were passed in Germany, whether "any" speech or revision
against the SWC's agenda (or do you just mean "JEWS"?), etc - would make
pretty short work of your nonsense.