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Re: Hack Lotus?
In article <[email protected]>,
Jiri Baum <[email protected]> wrote:
> > Hack Lotus? Please do.
> I have no idea how Lotus actually does this, but:
> How about a salt determined by the forty bit part?
> Ie if the key is s.g (s=secret, g=gaked), the BARF (="Big-brother Access
> Required Field") could contain Encrypt(Hash(s).g,BigBrother).
> The receiving end, knowing both s and g, could re-calculate the
> BARF and only function when it's correct. Unless it's been hacked too,
> in which case it could barf when the BARF is correct :-)
Looks good to me -- I think that should work.
I guess that goes to show my lack of creativity. :-)
I was talking to Avi Rubin from Bellcore last night, and he speculated
that maybe the 64 bit key was a fixed one, generated once at installation
time and escrowed with the government then.
With a fixed pre-escrowed key, the receiver wouldn't have to do any
checking; and it would obviate the need for a LEEF/BARF/... field.
On the other hand, it seems to me like one should be able to disable
this fixed pre-escrowed key mechanism with a little binary patch.
I guess we need hard technical details.
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