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Re: NSA vacuuming down Internet traffic

At 11:07 AM 1/22/96 -0600, Rick Smith wrote:

>My first job, twenty years ago, involved a prototype speech
>recognition system under contract for Rome Air Development Center (a
>traditional cover for TLA research). The machine was supposed to go
>beep whenever a specified word or phrase was heard over the input
>voice stream. We joked about testing for the term "Russian Spy" but
>settled on looking for "Kissinger" instead. That let us run tests by
>listening to news broadcasts of the time. We built custom boards with
>Schottky TTL and a blazing fast 120ns cycle time. Times change, eh?
>[email protected]            secure computing corporation

Don't tell me, let me guess:  20 years ago, if you had told anyone about
this project, you would have had to kill them.  Now, 20 years later, after a
few levels of re-classifications and de-classifications, all you have to do
is to sneer in our general direction.  <G>