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Re: Electronic Grille Cipher?
> >An idea occurred to me the other day, for hiding multiple
>> texts in one file using multiple keys. The gist of it is to
> I had a similar idea a bit back, and Lewis/Futplex kindly referred me
> to some parts of the Archives discussing it. However, the main objection to
What part of the archives?
> this idea was that the cops would just do a search warrant for the second group
> of information. My solution to this is to have quite a few groups of
> information, which would admittedly make the spacing problem a bit hard.
> The following might be an example for someone of such a scheme:
That's a good solution. Another idea might be to stego the
accounting info (real info ;) inside one of pictures using a similar
method.... in some ways this method is better suited for stego since
it becomes lunacy for the cops to insist that every picture or
audiofile you have has something or many things hidden... (unless
they've been watching you and know you keep accessing your jodi
foster pix after a client visits you...)
--- "Mutant" Rob <[email protected]>
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