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Re: Tell me whats wrong with this

[email protected] writes:
 > > >         Tell me why parents should not be able to censor their OWN
 > > > television so that they may raise their children the way THEY see
 > > > fit
 > >
 > >But what about *my* TV?  Why should I be forced to pay for something I
 > >don't want just because you want it for yourself?  [ Why does this
 > >seem so obvious? 
 > You probably had no problem with seat belts being manditory eqiupment ,
 > because they  protected YOU and the people YOU cared about. 

Incorrect.  I do have a problem with that.

 > You probably had no problem with manditory airbags, public building smoke
 > alarms, unleaded fuel, restaurant health codes,etc....Because they
 > protected you and or people you care about, even though they cost
 > YOU more money. 

I'm trying to see what this has to do with a mandatory chip in my
TV...  SOmehow the link between that and a smoke alarm seems tenuous
at best.

The intent of making the V chip (what does "V" stand for anyway?
"Violence?" Eerily Orwellian if so...) mandatory seems to be that it's
necessary to "protect" the people who want to "protect" their children
but are too stupid to seek out and purchase a TV equipped with an
optional filtering device.   "Oh darn; I want to protect my children
from all this horrible damaging programming, but I bought the wrong
kind of TV!  If only the government had made it impossible for me to
do so!"

 > Besides, we both no that the cost of the chip is
 > insignificant. This device hurts no one!
 > Charles Donald Smith Jr.
 > ||The government  is my shepherd I need not work. It alloweth me to lie
 >  down on a good job. It leadeth me beside stilled factories. It
 >  destroyeth  my initiative...

Could you please change your signature block?  My hypocrisy meter is

Mike M Nally * Tiv^H^H^H IBM * Austin TX    * I want more, I want more,
       [email protected] * [email protected]          * I want more, I want more ...
      <URL:http://www.io.com/~m101>         *_______________________________