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Re: True democracy in America.

Isaac Hopkins <[email protected]> wrote:

[ Crypto Relevancy: Hey, if you cannot figure it out, too bad for you...]
[[ Sorry, I am in a bitchin mood today.  It happens not too often]]

>A truly Democratic society is only feasible when you have an educated
>society that can act outside of their own self interest. 

This is why we do not need a "true" democracy.  Why should any individual act in a way
that is not in his best interest?

The blanked-out concept here is the concept of "best-interest"

It would be *very* interesting to drag the collectivists into such a debate.

But they are wise enough to thread away from what is, to them, quicksand...

>In a democratic society you must be accepted by
>the majority in order to survive.  

>Think about all of the greatest minds in
>history, most of them were very controversial.  A democracy is just the
>tyranny of the majority.

Then, why strive for it?  Apparently, it is not in the best *long term* interest
of the vast majority of individual in that society...

Selfishness is a fundamental Virtue.
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