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Re: Crypto Export Legislation?


    jya> From: John Young <[email protected]> Subject: Crypto Export
    jya> Legislation?

    jya> The excerpt below is from the Wash Post article today. Does
    jya> anyone know the status of the Leahy/Goodlatte bills?

    jya>    Industry also is fanning Congress's interest in taking a
    jya> bigger role in the encryption debate. "Without congressional
    jya> interest, the administration has no reason to liberalize
    jya> exports at all," said Becca Gould, director of policy at the
    jya> Business Software Alliance. "This issue is in Congress's
    jya> front yard because it affects the economy" as well as
    jya> U.S. citizens' privacy rights.

    jya>    Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.) and Rep. Robert W. Goodlatte
    jya> (R-Va.) agree. They plan to introduce bills in the Senate and
    jya> House aimed at loosening the restrictions on encryption. "The
    jya> federal government is taking an attitude that's based more in
    jya> the 1970s than in present time," said Leahy in a telephone
    jya> interview.

I haven't seen Goodlatte's legislation, but I can safely say he
doesn't have our privacy rights at heart. Bob Goodlatte (my local
representative) was the CC toadie partially responsible for putting
"indecent" back in the CDA. I don't trust him any further than I can
spit on him.

I'll keep an eye on this. I'm very suspicious of his intentions.

- --mark

==> [email protected] * http://evol.resnet.jmu.edu/~mark/ <==
**WARNING** : The preceding message may have been indecent under the
Telecommunications Act of 1996. Young children, the easily offended,
and members of the Christian Coalition should not have viewed it. :)

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