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"Zap part of the CDA" live Capitol Hill news conference on CU-SeeMe

ISP-TV Network Presents:

			Zap the Comstock Law Before It
   		   Becomes a Computer Virus on the Internet!

			[Cybercast using CU-SeeMe (tm)]
	Representative Patricia Schroeder (D-CO) and Senator Frank R.
Lautenberg (D-NJ) will hold a joint news conference at 10:00 AM EST on
Wednesday, March 6, to discuss the introduction of a bill to strike a
provision of the 1996 Telecommunications Act that criminalizes the
transmission and reception of information about abotion over the Internet.
The conference will be cybercast live from room HC-6 at the U.S. Capitol
in Washington, D.C. Joining Lautenberg and Schroeder will be Kate
Michelman, President of the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights
Action League, and Kathryn Kolbert, Vice President of the Center for
Reproductive Law and Policy. 

	This will be the first Capitol Hill news conference ever to be
transmitted live over the Internet using CU-SeeMe technology! 

	See http://www.house.gov/schroeder/cu-seeme.html for more info.

Time:  	10:00 AM EST Thursday, March 6, 1996
IP:	Main ISP-TV Reflector
	Other ISP-TV affiliates see http://www.digex.net/isptv/members.html

To obtain CU-SeeMe software, go to one of these URL's:

	CU-SeeMe for Windows   -- http://goliath.wpine.com/cudownload.htm
	CU-SeeMe for Macintosh -- http://goliath.wpine.com/moredemos.htm

       http://www.digex.net/isptv for more information about ISP-TV