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Majordomo and anon.penet.fi

In case anyone is interested, I have written a patch for Majordomo 1.93 that
will automatically convert an address of the form "[email protected]" to
"[email protected]".  I have tested the code I used to patch up Majordomo,
but I haven't verified that it actually works within Majordomo.

*** majordomo.pl.orig	Sat Jan  7 12:34:27 1995
--- majordomo.pl	Tue Apr  2 23:24:15 1996
*** 81,86 ****
--- 81,91 ----
      $ReplyTo = $array{'apparently-from'} unless $ReplyTo;

      join(", ", &main'ParseAddrs($ReplyTo)) if $ReplyTo;
+     if ($ReplyTo =~ '^(an).*\@anon\.penet\.fi')
+     {
+      $anonid = substr($ReplyTo, 2);
+      $ReplyTo = "na$anonid";
+     }

-- Mark

[email protected]              | finger -l for PGP key 0xf9b22ba5
http://www.voicenet.com/~markm/ | bd24d08e3cbb53472054fa56002258d5
"The concept of normalcy is just a conspiracy of the majority" -me